Graphic Design Portfolio


Interactivity and Engagement in Web Design

November 10, 2016 by in category Uncategorized

The goals of creating a website is to catch the attention of the user. There are two key ways to do that, interactivity and engagement. Web interactivity deals with getting the user involved. The user wants to feel comfortable when they are on your site. A few examples of this are a 3Dimensional Cube or [...]

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UX/UI Design

November 10, 2016 by in category Uncategorized

In web design it is critical to know your user. Some things to think about when learning about your user is age, gender, class, if they are on the go or stationary, and location (Li). For example, if your user is an older group there would be a larger font needed where if your user [...]

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Plug In Research Assignment

November 8, 2016 by in category Uncategorized

Plug in one Name: Regenerate Thumbnails This plugin goes back and makes the thumbnails for all of your image uploads, individual image uploads, or specific multiple image uploads. This will be a great plug in because with the amount of images our websites will have this does a lot of work for us. When I [...]

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